djR Summer School of Rheology

18.-20. June 2024

Inspired by the „panta rhei“ (everything flows) philosophy, “die junge Rheologie” (djR) in cooperation with the German Society of Rheology (DRG) and the Technical University of Berlin organizes its first djR Summer School in rheology for 2024.

The djR Summer School is aimed at graduate students, PhD students, Postdocs and professionals in the industry who are looking for a first insight into the field of rheology. Everyone is invited, regardless of their background and previous knowledge in rheology.

To create a forum that brings together academic and industrial members for promoting and showcasing rheology and its applications to a wider audience.

We want to crosslink the different backgrounds of the participants to a large interdisciplinary rheology team and provide an “out of the box” experience for each attendee.

It will take place at Department for Polymer Materials & Technologies at the Technical University of Berlin in the heart of Berlin.

Technical University of Berlin,
Department of Polymer Materials & Technologies
Ernst-Reuter-Platz 1
10587 Berlin

Start: Tuesday, June 18th (morning)
End: Thursday, June 20th (after lunch)

We want to combine theoretical lectures given by leading rheology experts with practical courses given by application specialists from up to four different rheometer manufacturers.

So the djR school will be organized for 3 days and will consists of 50% introductory lectures and 50 % practical courses in shear and extensional rheology including high pressure capillary viscometry followed by a final open lab day.

We will also focus on how to identify artifacts in the measurements. Tips and tricks to avoid these artifacts will also be presented during the practical sessions.

On the last day of the open lab, we will try to solve doubts and personalized questions of each participant.

Lectures and practical courses are given in English.

Already confirmed for the theoretical part are the following professors:

  • Prof. Ulrich A. Handge, Department of Polymer Engineering at the University of Dortmund
  • Prof. Andreas Wierschem, Institute of Fluid Mechanics at the University of Erlangen-Nuremberg
  • Prof. Dietmar Auhl, Department for Polymer Materials & Technologies at the TU-Berlin

In addition, rheometry specialists from TA Instruments, Anton Paar, Thermo Fisher Scientific and Netzsch will provide equipment and supervise the practical sessions.

The initiative is fully sponsored by the German Society of Rheology (DRG), TA Instruments, Anton Paar, Thermo Fisher Scientific and Netzsch.

It is therefore completely free of charge for the participants, who only have to register as members of the working group djR and cover the costs of their stay in Berlin during these days.

Why is it only necessary to be a member of the working group djR and thus of the DRG (25 Eur./year)? Because we also want to increase the rheology community in our surrounding!

To register, please send an email to (concept registration djR Summer School 2024).

Please include your full name and affiliation (institute, university, company) as well as a short description of your background in rheology, the topic you are working on, and your goals/open questions. You don’t need to send more than half a page, and this information will help us to better prepare the open lab part!

Deadline for the registration is May 18th, 2024.